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Chunk Directives


Template expression to render a value as phrasing content. It will take the value of the "key" key from your template input, and insert it into the signature's spot on the DOM.

foo: 'bar'

The following templateInput will replace the following segment with bar:


Keys can be nested as well, for example with the following templateInput:

foo: {
bar: 'foobar'

You could insert this into a template like so:



Template expression to render an array. To access object keys within the scope of the loop, wrap the property name with {}. For 1D arrays of values, such as stylesheet urls, you can key them like so:

the following templateInput

styles: [

could be rendered into:

<!--other content-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{_}">
<!--other content-->

The {_} token signifies to render the value of the array index for each item.


Template expression to render a partial into a template. If you enable the discoverPaths configuration option, you can nest partials in child directories of the partial root, then call them by using the directoryname/filename syntax. For example, imagine you have the following directory structure inside of your pathRoot:


In your templates you could reference a partials in the foo directory with:
